
Easy Peasy Equilibrium

 Are you Left Brained or Right Brained dominant?

We all use both sides of our brain BUT most of us have one side which is more dominant. According to this theory each side of the brain controls different types of thinking. For example; a person who is Left Brain Dominant (LBD) is often more logical, analytical and objective whereas a Right Brain Dominant (RBD) individual is said to be more intuitive, thoughtful and subjective. 

If you are in a relationship and one of you is RBD and the other is LBD, this can be the cause of a lot of friction in the relationship and you may not even be aware that this may be a contributing factor. We both view the world from a very different perspective so becoming aware of each persons view can really alleviate much of the friction created between couples or any other kind of relationship.

Find out whether you are LBD or RBD and try to better understand each other. Life will become a lot easier once you have deciphered your differences.

Of course the ideal situation to be in is to find an equilibrium. By accessing both sides of your brain when you need to and on command, at this level, you will begin creating a new found balance in many, many areas of your life. 

Some ways you can find this balance are;

Physical exercise enables you to sharpen your coordination 

Visualisation is said to work really well – For instance, visualising yourself in an event, perhaps an event you have coming up this weekend, recreational activities work great! 

As you visualise yourself, anticipate a gratified performance, ensure to keep your perspective broad, by doing this you will be challenging your Right Brain. 

As you shift your focus to the specific steps you will be taking to improve your performance, focusing on the details of the event, you will be challenging your Left Brain. 

To find out more information and how you can use this strategy to improve your personal relationships attend our workshops, held once a month. You can book in for next month here!