
50 is the new 30

Many of us now know that 50 is the new 30, and as we are all living longer it is so important that we keep our bodies active. This shouldn’t stop just because we’ve hit a certain age mark. One of the best things you can do for your health in later life is keep moving.

Having turned 50 a couple of years ago, I was really proud to compete in my first ever Body Building competition. I entered the International Natural Bodybuilding Australia (INBA) competition, competing in the 50+ and First-timer categories in Figure. I was over the moon to reach the top five in both my categories. I am so proud of my achievement and it once again rang true to me that you should never stop trying new things, and that we should always challenge ourselves.

If I’m honest I would say that leading up to the event I only put in 70% – I won’t kick myself for this, as we all know other life commitments can keep us busy sometimes, and as I always say it is all about balance. Coming top five when I only put in 70% has shown me what I am capable of, and next time (and there will be a next time) I will commit to the event much earlier and give it my all.

I always say that a dream is just a goal without a date on it, and if you don’t set yourself goals then you won’t achieve. So I will be true to my word and get another event in the diary and start preparing.

Do you have a challenge you have always wanted to do? Just start to imagine what you could do if you put your mind to it….ok, so now stop imagining, set a date and you have your next goal! Enjoy.

Patricia x

Read more about Patricia and how she started enigma7 here.