Sexercise.. How many calories do we burn during sex? Can it really replace a gym session?
Let’s face it, we all enjoy it! So why don’t we make the most of it by engaging in it more often and really reap the benefits?
I came across this link and thought that it was a great tool to share with you.
It is a fantastic sex calculator and will reveal how many calories you burn during your sexual activities depending how, when and for how long you do it!
Here is the link;
It is an awesome tool. Give it a go and let us know how you go with it. We are really interested to find out your thoughts on something like this and if, like us all, it has motivated you to perhaps get to bed a little earlier tonight..
Even science agrees, did you know that scientists have discovered that sex in fact encourages the growth of brain cells? and that engaging in sexual intercourse boosts your mind and improves your memory.
It also helps to reduce stress and depression and boost your immune system!
Enjoy your weekend and don’t forget to check out our Intimacy Kits which are ready for pre order to spice up your this holiday season! It’s never too early to start thinking about Valentines Day!