You see, everything that we do or that we don’t do have one thing in common. They are our choice!
So how do we know we are making the right one? I have this simple rule… When I am contemplating a decision, I think twice, and I ask myself 2 questions
1- Do I really want, need or desire it?
2- Can I live with the consequences?
If I can honestly answer these 2 questions with a committed ‘Yes’ then I know I am making the right choice. You must trust your gut instincts, if you need to ask someone for reassurance ask yourself why you are asking for reassurance? is it because you are you looking for approval? are you looking for someone to tell you that it is okay? and if it turns out that you are, them you may want to reconsider if this is in fact the right choice for you at this time. Remember: it is YOU who has to live with the consequences at the end of the day, not the person you are searching for approval from.
If it is a huge turning point in you life then I recommend you sleep on it! You have nothing to lose by taking your time, the only thing you will gain is insight, into yourself and your desires. No one will question it. I promise 🙂 It’s easier to take a little longer making the decision, rather than having to change your mind and potentially letting people down in the process and having to undo what has already been done.
Learn from the past, if you find your self doing what you have done before you most certainly will end up in the same position.