
Constipation and Sex

Lets face it regular sex is good for you, Is good for the heart and is great for your immune system, but if you are constipated chances are that it is the last thing on your mind!

If you feel as though you are suffering from constipation, haven’t had a bowel movement in a few days and sex is painful read on!… Chronic constipation leads to a considerable loss of quality of life and almost everyone experiences its effects at some point in their lives. A little spoken about fact is that it is quite detrimental to our sex lives. Sex becomes uncomfortable, and often times even painful! this is due to the fact that the vaginal canal runs parallel, underneath, the urethra and the anal canal is below it, these tubes touch each other with the vagina in the middle. So when you have sex, the pressure of the penis physically pushes any faecal matter that has been collected in the anal canal.
I have suffered of constipation all my life and yes sex sometimes has been very painful but with my own experience (and research), I have noticed that after sex is when I have that greatest bowel movements, not very romantic is it? However, it works for me and this certainly won’t be the case for everyone so you need to do your OWN research! This just proves that anything can work for you. My advice? Enjoy experimenting!

Relieving Constipation:
Increase Fibre intake – Foods such as bran and whole grains, psyllium, brown rice, fresh organic vegetables and fruits, prunes and beans.
Regular exercise – If you are not currently exercising, a 15-30 minute walk twice a day will help with your regularity
When nature calls, Answer it! – Don’t put off bowel movements, this will only cause or even aggravate constipation by weakening signals overtime
Cut out lactose – It has been proven that lactose can encourage constipation, and by eliminating lactose from your diet, for even 1 week, can help you identify if it is a leading cause in your case of constipation.
ensure you are increasing your water intake! If you don’t do this in hand with upping your fibre intake you may actually make your constipation worse, fibre needs the moisture to do it’s job! Need some inspiration and motivation to stay Hydrated? Click here to take a look at our one of a kind enigma7 water bottles that actually remind you to drink up!

Make sure you visit your MD if:
You notice blood in your stools – This is not always a serious matter, but it is to be taken seriously!
Unexplained weightloss
Loss of appetite and stomach pains
If your symptoms last longer than 2 weeks or are getting worse rather than better overtime
If you are experiencing pain during intercourse

Drug treatments should be considered once you have tried, for a minimum of 4 days, to improve your diet following the above guidelines and you have increased your water intake to at least 8 or more glasses of pure water a day.