
Are you in tune with your Money?

Our relationship with money speaks for itself in terms of our “pre-set thermostat”

Do you have a lot and are constantly fearful of going without?

Are you careless and spend it all when you have it, rather than save it?

Do you not pay your bills on time? Are you way too generous with it?

How do you feel when you spend loads of it?

How do you feel about money itself?

How do you feel about rich people or poor people?

You see, creating a balanced environment and healthy habits surrounding money can help you achieve your financial goals without the guilt. Taking responsibility for where your money is going and how you are growing your financial position is all about being smart and aware! Track your expenses. Start watching your money leave your account and learn how to be money savvy. It doesn’t take much. Just the motivation to learn and take responsibility for your money. Start simple, just by knowing exactly where you are right now without attaching an emotion is such a powerful understanding to have… Its a numbers game, you can’t argue with facts. All you have to do is download an excel spreadsheet and start taking control of your expenses and your goals!