How did you go with our part 2? I Hope with all my heart that these blogs motivate you to take control of your wellbeing!
Like the word implies Mixed Sleep Apnea is a combination of both obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea. In 2006 The Mayo Clinic conducted a study of 223 sleep apnea patients and found that 15% patients that were believe to have OSA in fact had complex or mixed sleep apnea ( Link )
The issue here is that even though OSL patients are treated with Continuous Positive Airway pressure (CPA) or what we know as ‘an air mask’ Central Sleep Apnea still persists or emerges.
Without a doubt if you suffer from any sleep disorder you need to do something, don’t wait until your heart fails or you start getting anxiety episodes DO SOMETHING!
We recommend you…
Start a super healthy lifestyle for only 20 days and see if you notice any improvements (follow the advise given on our enigma7 REST part of the program.
To see your Physician for advice if symptoms do not improve after 20 days of a healthier lifestyle.
To get tested. REST is one of the 7 pillars of wellness do no underestimate the power of having a good nights sleep.
Most studies suggest that up to 80% of people that suffer from sleep apnea are obese, or is it the other way around? Either way you should take good care of all aspects of your health as they are without a doubt affecting one another.
Other hidden issues are, adult asthma, acid reflux, car accidents, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, weight gain and the list goes on. All these disorders seem to be metabolic, nothing that a change in lifestyle can’t help!!
For more information on how to change your lifestyle for the better and for the long run please check our enigma7 online program. We’ll help you with the… Willpower to introduce the changes you need to do for a better health, we will give you tools for a better Breathing, and teach you how to Think and stay positive and how imperative it is to target your Nutrition so you can have enough energy to Move better so after you have burnt some energy your body can Rest. All this will do nothing if you do not stay well Hydrated so we will touch on this as well.