
7 Tips to Recharging those batteries

1- Keep up your intake of water; Remember rule #1 you need to drink 33ml per kg of body weight.

2- Sit somewhere comfortable where no one is going to interrupt you -for at least 5 minutes- that’s all it takes 5 minutes;
close your eyes and just BREATHE
focus on your inhalation and send it all over your body and do the same with your
exhalation; empty your entire body and
repeat for 4 minutes (the other minute is for you to get comfortable)

3- Know your limits especially over this busy period; don’t take on more than you can offer, learn to say NO in a nice way, the way I do it is… ‘Sorry, but that doesn’t really suit me’ Practice! Go to the mirror and say it until you feel comfortable.

4- Eat right; Remember it’s all about choices and at the end of the day YOURS is the only one that counts, if you cant really say NO and they just dish it on your plate… that does not mean you must eat it all! Enjoy a few bites then let it go. Food can really drain your energy levels especially processed and sugary foods, as our bodies are not designed to digest them.

5- BE kind to yourself; letting go and trusting that we all get what we deserve in life is a huge way to recharge. This might seem strange but the amount of energy you use up thinking about something that really bothers you is enormous. Think of it this way, lets say you did something that caused pain to someone, if you or the other person COULD have done something differently you would have. So, whatever took place affected you. Learn from it and tell yourself it wont happen again.

6- Invest in healthy relationships and end the toxic ones as they are draining as well. Don’t be afraid to rebuild and move forward.

7- Remember that if all else fails DO NOT REACH the point of BURNING OUT before that happens go to the gym, read a book, go for swim or take a long, long, shower. Do something that will help you find place of peace. You will thank yourself for it.