
3 simple ways to get moving everyday!

We understand that it can be really hard for some people sometimes to get motivated to get moving at all, let alone making it a part of your daily routine.

So we want to make it simple and easy to stick to..
We have 3 steps here that you can easily make time for throughout the day..

Remember one thing, the pattern to not exercise has been installed subconsciously through repetition and it can be replaced with the pattern to exercise in just the same way!

Start today.. It’s as simple as

1. Wake up 10 minutes earlier every day! – It’s as easy as that. Just 10 minutes in the morning before you put the kettle on can help you stay flexible and get your muscles moving first thing. All we want you to focus on is spending 10 minutes on your breathing exercises and stretches, nothing too complicated.

We have some here for you to try;

Extract from enigma7 Stage 1 Movement module
Extract from enigma7 Stage 1 Movement module

Getting into this habit will add a significant amount of flexibility to all those tight areas. You will start to notice a change after just one week of adding this little tip into your daily schedule. If you are struggling with the stretches or want help with your breathing exercises, please don’t hesitate to contact me on 1300 693 644

2. Walk! – For at least 30 minutes everyday. No matter what you do, just walk. This one is probably one of the easiest tips we have.. Take the stairs rather then the elevator or escalators.. Park further away from the entrance when you are going places so you have a little further to walk. All these decisions add up! So start making the right ones today. After a month of committing to making these small changes to your errands it will get a whole lot easier, you won’t even question the decision anymore. All you have to do is start putting it into practice!

3. The last one we want you to think about requires a little more effort and commitment on your part. But it most definitely pays off! – In this one we want you to have a think about the Body Functional Exercises. These are Squat, Lunge, Pull, Push and Twist. Learn how to Squat – Properly! Learn how to Lunge – Properly! We don’t want any injuries, if you need help at all, feel free to email through to or call me on 1300 693 644.. anytime! When it comes to the Pull movement we want you to get creative, if you don’t go to the gym, think about investing in a resistance band and start using that to strengthen your back muscles.. you can also use these for the Push movement (Check out this tutorial we found for some great ideas), remember, you can always do ‘push – ups’ against a wall (as you get more confident take a step away from the wall – This will increase the difficulty to ensure you continue to build strength until you can get onto the floor) Last one is twist/rotate, at some stage or another we all need to reach around to get something from the back seat and know how frustrating it is when our body restricts us, so get creative. Start practicing rotation movements.

If you are stuck for ideas just call though and we will definitely be able to get you on your way to a confident daily routine of stretching and exercising to ensure you are getting the most our of what your body has to offer!