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Whats the deal with this Paleo Diet? I’ve been told so many different things, and only recently we were all told that it is dangerous to be eating the way the cave men used to. Can you please explain? 

[/fusion_text][fusion_text]It isn’t black and white, the honest answer is….

It isn’t good for everyone. For some people it will be the best lifestyle change they could do for their bodies, for others it could in fact be dangerous.

At enigma7 we subscribe to the idea that ONE SIZE does NOT FIT ALL. So by customising your diet to your own UNIQUE body chemistry for hereditary reasons, will be the only way to treat your metabolism as unique to get the most out of every meal.

Cutting edge research shows that no single diet works for everyone. In fact, the very same food that will keep your best friend on the lighter side of life, could be the very food that keeps you constantly feeling fatigued and drowsy.

enigma7 sees the Paleo Diet as the equivalent to that of a protein types ideal diet (Metabolic Typing Diets). William Wolcott is a pioneer in the field of Metabolic Research, he has developed a revolutionary Weight Loss program that allows you to identify your ‘Metabolic Type’ and create a nutritional plan that suits your individual needs. Making it simple to find out how you can feed your body at not only a nutritional level, but also at a cell level, knowing that you are only eating the foods that work best for YOU!

The Diets range from a Low-Fat, High Carb diet filled with Pasta and Grains (quantities eaten according to your body needs) through to a High-Fat, High Protein Diet focused on meats and seafoods.

So as a short answer to the question, IT DEPENDS! On you and your body. E7 sees the so called Paleo Diet as a Protein Type Diet, so chances are that if you are a Carbohydrate Type… Your body won’t be very happy with it.

We strongly encourage you to find out what your MTA diet is, if you would like more information regarding your own MTA Diet call us on 1300myenigma7 alternatively you can email us at info@enigma7.com.au and we can help you make informed decisions based on your metabolic type. For the first 10 entries we will send you a recipe book for your type to help you get started on cooking ideas for your new lifestyle![/fusion_text][/fullwidth]