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Intimacy over 40

Fitness, Sexuality and Ageing – Yes, They are ALL related

[/fusion_text][fusion_text]What can you to keep in working order?

Remain Active 

Exercise activates the sympathetic nervous system, this encourages blood flow to the genital region. Even low levels of physical activity can elevate mood and help to keep our ‘equipment’ in working order.

Keeping active as we age is vital in maintaining strength and stamina both in the bedroom and out. A recent report titled ‘Sex and Death: Are they related?’ was published by the Epidemiology and Public Health. It was based on a survey that was taken from 1979 – 1983 of 1,222 men aged 45 – 59. At the recruitment, a physical examination was carried out and a set of questions regarding frequency of sexual intercourse was asked. 75% (918) men respond to these questions and in the 10 year follow up survey, 150 (16%) of these men had died. It was discovered that the men who were in the sexually active group had HALF the mortality rate than those in the sexually inactive group*.

To add to this, a Harvard University study of 160 male and female swimmers in their 40’s and 60’s showed a positive relationship between regular physical activity and the frequency and enjoyment of sexual intercourse. Bortz and Wallace (1999) found a high level of sexual activity and satisfaction to be correlated with a degree of physical fitness in both older men and women. A regular exercise program combined with regular sexual activity may be supportive elements for successful ageing.


Use it or Lose it

A recent study examined data from 31, 742 men ages 59 – 83 in the Health Professionals Follow up study of Dentists, Optometrists, Podiatrists, Pharmacists and Veterinarians to check which lifestyle factors affected the risk of erectile dysfunction^. Results concluded that men over 50 who remained physically active well into their third age had a 30% lower risk of impotence compared with inactive men.


Keep the Romance alive

Spontaneity. An important aspect of any relationship is keeping the flame alive. As we age and remain in marriages for many years it becomes harder to keep the surprise element in our relationships. Try weekend getaways to get yourselves out of the routine of life. How about couples massages to heighten the senses and get you in the mood for some intimacy? Maybe even taking some time away from one another to relive that element of excitement about seeing your other half. Light some candles and run a bath, take it together to get intimate on a physical level without the pressures of engaging in intercourse.

There are many ideas, be open minded and try new things with one another. You may even learn new things about yourself and your Significant Other.


Nurture the relationship

Relationships must be nurtured. Just like an individual goes through stages of self development and growth, so too do relationships, regardless of what stage you are in your life. Each partner must be open to the possibility of change, not only within themselves but also their SO. There are many reasons for which an individual may experience change; Promotion at work, starting a new family, retirement and even undertaking a new hobby. As a partner, being open and honest about these changes is vital to ensure that each individual has room to feel grow and feels accepted as they continue their journey to self discovery. A sense of trust and belonging needs to be established early in the relationship in order for growth and development within an individual to take place, to ensure that neither individual feels the sense of guilt, or loss of identity.

* Palmore E. Predictors of the longevity difference: a 25 year follow-up. Gerontologist1982;22:513-518

^Bacon, Mittleman & Kawachi, 2003[/fusion_text][/fullwidth]