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When you want to lose weight but no matter what you do it doesn’t work!

[/fusion_text][fusion_text]Last month we spoke about Pituitary Glands and how they may influence weight loss/gain.. this month we will talk about…


Some signs to look out for…

These types tend to be shorter with a square, or heavier build, broad shoulders and waist with squarish head and fingers. Excess weight tends to accumulate with a pot belly and across the lower back. They usually have good digestion and appetites and tend to crave meat and salty foods rather than sweets. They are usually warm and friendly, with great endurance.

Please and this is your advice:
Restrict/minimise butter, high fat cheeses, red meat, salt/salt foods and shellfish. If you must snack, just try and eat some yoghurt and fruits. You may do best with a light breakfast and make dinner your heaviest meal.

Ideas for a meal plan to suit your needs and to help you lose weight

Breakfast: Dairy, Grains (the good kind)
Lunch: Chicken, Fish, Eggs, Grains (the good kind)
Dinner: Meat, Fish poultry (meat on 1-2x per week), Vegetables (cooked/raw), Grains the good kind)

To learn more please visit our Nutrition Module and/or arrange a F2F session with our Metabolic Typing Advisor Patricia Maris


Disclaimer: There are a lot more factors to take into consideration when diagnosing this problem. Please seek professional advice before undertaking any serious changes to ensure that you are on the right track to achieving the best possible outcome[/fusion_text][/fullwidth]