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How is your Blood Sugar?

Do any of these sound familiar to you or a loved one?

Shaky, apprehensive, overweight, fatigued, wobbly when hungry, often times confused, irritable, palpitations, blurred vision, cold hands and feet, low blood pressure, blackouts, angry outbursts, rambling speech, violence, hopelessness, inappropriate or weird behaviour, absent-mindedness, road rage, and/or an inability to concentrate.

YOU are not alone, there are more than a million cases in Australia of adults who suffer from BLOOD SUGAR abnormalities, and as silly as it seems, this is in fact preventable and comes down to lifestyle choices.

*The brain requires tonnes of energy at rest; it consumes about 25% of your circulating glucose, despite constituting to only about 3% of your body weight.

Blood sugar levels are vital to the correct functioning of both the brain and your body. When this very fragile balance is upset, low blood sugars are the result, throwing you and everyone close to you into turmoil.

*It is very scary as more than 1825 people are diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes every year in Australia alone and 1 in 4 people will suffer some form of glucose intolerance.

Tea, coffee, sucrose, chocolate, junk food, cigarette and other “mood enhancers” are constantly available in mental institutions. This can’t be good!  As this stimulates the production of adrenalin and tricks the body into releasing glucose from the liver before it is necessary and as a result blood sugar levels sky rocket.

Frequent intake of these foods cause the pancreas to over-produce insulin, the hormone responsible for transporting glucose into the cells.

An additional amount of insulin then causes blood sugar levels to abruptly plunge. Signs of glucose intolerance sets in and a vicious cycle is created as more sugar is craved (and often times satisfied) to relieve the symptoms. It is chaos from here on out with high and low blood sugar fluctuations that will end up with an exhausted pancreas and adrenal glands, not to mention the accompanying physical and mental distresses explained earlier.

The big thing is that this is controllable with a change in Life Style.

We suggest you learn the tools that will help you as an individual to see clearly where you are going wrong in your lifestyle choices.

E7 will facilitate those tools sign up now and become the master of your destiny.[/fusion_text]