Ross Porter, Chairman – AFA Pty Ltd.
“I was given Patricia’s business card by a guy I met through golf. He noticed my golf swing was tight and asked me if it was due to a shoulder or neck injury. I said, “Well both really”, years ago I injured myself and since then I’ve just learned to accept things are not so good in those areas. He responded with, “That’s crazy, you don’t need to live like that.” Then he wrote down Patricia’s phone number and said, “Give this lady a call and go and see her. I promise she will fix both neck and shoulders, but if you embrace all the disciplines she offers, she’ll change your life.”
His approach to me was so compelling I made an appointment with Patricia. During this first meeting I came to quickly understand that my posture was dreadful, my neck was stiff and sat forward and I tended to always be looking down when I walked. It wasn’t a hard decision for me to commit to a remedial program after listening to Patricia and the methods she used to help people realign their bodies.
The treatment started with weekly 2 hour deep tissue and digi pressure massages. After 4 visits Patricia threw her first challenge at me. “I can go on treating you, deep tissue massage and try to get your body into alignment but you are fighting me.” she said. Then the bomb shell…”How much alcohol do you drink on an average day?” When I told her, she pretty much said, “You need to get off the alcohol for at least three months or I can’t continue treating you, because I’m fighting a losing battle. You have so much alcohol in your system you are basically poisoning yourself.”
Wow, was that a reality check. I spent a few minutes thinking this through, instantly wondering what I would do with my fairly well stocked wine cellar. But I decided to take the plunge because I’d had a glimpse of what she could do for my body with the massages.
I’ve now been off alcohol for over 3 months and I am making serious progress. Neck and shoulders almost set, but still a fair way to go. I’m learning how to breathe properly, how to sit and stand correctly and hold my posture in the correct manner, I feel like a new person.
I’m also drinking a lot of water, 3 litres a day because I was dehydrated when I first went to Patricia. I have now decided to embrace all the programs Patricia has to offer. As a Chek Practitioner she has the knowledge, the skills and the hands on instructional ability to set me on a new path. It’s now 6 months since I started working with Patricia. My posture has improved dramatically, I have lost 15 kgs and my weight has settled at 82kgs. I am now stretching each morning and have commenced strength training. I have adopted all the things Patricia has recommended and I literally feel 10 years younger.
I see this as a lifestyle change rather than a new diet. Thank you Patricia for setting me on this wellness path.”